First and only once-daily triple therapy in a single inhaler for adult patients with COPD or ASTHMA

First and only once-daily
triple therapy in a single
inhaler for adult patients


Only TRELEGY offers the simplicity of once-daily triple therapy in a single inhaler
with uninterrupted 24-hour effect








One Inhalation, Once a Day      
NO Priming or Shaking Required      
NO Routine Inhaler Cleaning Required      
NO Hand/Breath Coordination Required      
FDA-Approved for Both COPD and ASTHMA      
Flexible Dosing for ASTHMA—2 Strengths Available      







One Inhalation, Once a Day
NO Priming or Shaking Required
NO Routine Inhaler Cleaning Required
NO Hand/Breath Coordination Required
FDA-Approved for Both COPD and ASTHMA
Flexible Dosing for ASTHMA—2 Strengths Available

No comparative efficacy or safety conclusions can be drawn from this table.

*US formulation; metered-dose inhaler.

Simplified delivery: 3 medications. 1 inhaler. 1 daily inhalation.

How to use TRELEGY ELLIPTA inhaler video thumbnail

How to Use the TRELEGY ELLIPTA Inhaler

How to Use the TRELEGY ELLIPTA Inhaler

This video demonstrates clearly how to take a dose of TRELEGY. Watch this video with your patients so they can learn how to use the inhaler.

Watch Video  play icon

Could once-daily triple therapy in a single inhaler make a difference for your patients?

According to the GOLD Report:

  • Use of multiple inhalers for COPD is one factor that may lead to poor inhaler technique9

According to the GINA Report:

  • Use of multiple different inhaler types for ASTHMA may lead to confusion for patients and may reduce effective use of inhalers10

TRELEGY does not replace a rescue inhaler. Acute symptoms should be treated with an inhaled SABA.

TRELEGY for COPD 100/62.5/25 mcg
TRELEGY for Asthma 100/62.5/25 mcg & 200/62.5/25mcg

TRELEGY dosing considerations for patients with COPD or ASTHMA

TRELEGY dosing considerations for patients with COPD or ASTHMA

Instruct ALL patients to:

  • Take TRELEGY as 1 inhalation, once daily, at the same time every day
  • Use TRELEGY only once every 24 hours 
  • After inhalation, rinse the mouth with water without swallowing to reduce the risk of oropharyngeal candidiasis
  • Treat acute symptoms with an inhaled SABA such as albuterol


No dosage adjustment is required for geriatric patients, patients with renal impairment, or patients with moderate hepatic impairment.

For patients with COPD:
TRELEGY 100/62.5/25 mcg is the only strength indicated for treatment of COPD.

For patients with ASTHMA:

Either strength—100/62.5/25 mcg or 200/62.5/25 mcg—can be the starting dose.


When choosing the starting dose, consider:

  • Patients’ disease severity and their previous ASTHMA therapy, including the ICS dosage
  • Patients’ current control of ASTHMA symptoms and risk of future exacerbation


For patients who do not respond adequately to TRELEGY 100 once daily, increasing the dose to TRELEGY 200 once daily may provide additional improvement in ASTHMA control. Maximum recommended dosage is 1 inhalation of TRELEGY 200 once daily. For patients who do not respond adequately to TRELEGY 200 once daily, re-evaluate and consider other therapeutic regimens and additional therapeutic options.

For more details:

See Dosage and Administration in the full Prescribing Information.pdf icon

ELLIPTA inhaler rated “easy to use”1-3

At the conclusion of two 4-week clinical studies, 1 in COPD and 1 in ASTHMA1-3:

93% or patients with COPD1,3 & 96% of patients with asthma2,3
93% or patients with COPD1,3 & 96% of patients with asthma2,3
Gray lungs icon
Gray lungs icon
Gray lungs icon

Demonstrated correct use and rated the ELLIPTA inhaler easy to use1-3

Demonstrated correct use and rated the ELLIPTA inhaler easy to use1-3

Inhalers in study did not contain active ingredient.

Inhaler image is for illustrative purposes only.

  • See study design1-3

    One study was conducted in patients with COPD (N=266), and one study was conducted in patients with ASTHMA (N=250).

    Inhalers did not contain active treatment.

    Both studies were 28-day, open-label, placebo studies designed to assess ease of use of the ELLIPTA inhaler among adult patients who used the inhaler correctly on Day 28. Correct use was evaluated using instructions derived from the prescribing information for products delivered in the ELLIPTA inhaler. At enrollment, patients were allowed up to 3 attempts to demonstrate correct use (with training between attempts 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, if necessary), and all patients were able to demonstrate correct use. On Day 28, patients were evaluated for correct use in a single attempt without additional instruction.

    In the COPD study, 97% of patients demonstrated correct use. In the ASTHMA study, 98% of patients demonstrated correct use. "Easy to use” was defined as a rating of very easy or easy on a 4-point scale (very easy, easy, difficult, very difficult).



TRELEGY: 3 Complementary Mechanisms of Action    

Once-daily dosing with uninterrupted 24-hour effect4-6    


(fluticasone furoate)
reduces inflammation

ICS11,12 (fluticasone furoate) reduces inflammation illustration


promotes bronchodilation

LABA12,13 (vilanterol) promotes bronchodilation illustration


inhibits bronchoconstriction

LAMA12,13 (umeclidinium) inhibits bronchoconstriction illustration

Airway for illustrative purposes only.

Image is not intended to represent actual effects of treatment.

Role of LAMA

Umeclidinium is a long-acting muscarinic antagonist, which is often referred to as an anticholinergic.    

The mechanism of LAMA in the airways is primarily attributed to blocking acetylcholine from binding to muscarinic receptors.   

Because LAMA works through a distinct complementary pathway from LABA, it can help increase bronchodilation beyond what may be achieved
with a single bronchodilator.12,13


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Review instructions for use in patient information.

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Explore the clinical data for once-daily TRELEGY in patients with COPD.

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